The well-established company “Dizel Export”, has long realized the innovative characteristics OXE Diesel and appreciates the impressive characteristics of the diesel outboard engines, as the world’s first commercial diesel outboard, the OXE Diesel combines the reliability and endurance of marine inboards with the flexibility and agility of outboard engines, offering unprecedented efficiency, range and torque. The increased serviceability will greatly benefit the Russian market with vast areas, great oceans, mighty rivers and lakes.
The NEVA Exhibition and Conference Programme theme covers the broadest spectrum of commercial maritime topics found within the Russian event calendar. The NEVA event is the premier B2B platform for international companies to access and benefit from the opportunity of Russia's maritime industry boom. See the NEVA 2017 catalogue to view the previous participants who engaged with one of the fastest-growing global maritime markets. 2019 Exhibition space is over 90% occupied and limited remaining spaces will soon be fully reserved. We recommend sending your completed NEVA 2019 Space Application Form without delay to secure your position in the Russian market.
At OXE Marine we are driven by the ambition to transform the outboard motor; impacting the journey towards a more sustainable and ecologically positive marine environment. We are passionate, knowledgeable, and reliable. Passionate to commit to innovation and excellence, knowledgeable to recruit and retain high-quality personnel, and reliable to commit to supplying safe, durable, and reliable products and services and to openness and fairness with all our stakeholders. OXE Marine believes in a strong collaborative approach between our teams and partners while being daring and persistent in our passion for excellence. OXE Marine was founded in 2012, and is the company behind a patented outboard transmission, enabling the use of high torque diesel engines on outboard systems and in sterndrive solutions.