The website we replace has given good service to the OXE Diesel. Since its launch in 2012, it has maintained a straightforward presentation of the OXE Diesel and how it was developed. The site has been well-liked and well-used.
Our changing audiences has showed us that it is time to make changes. First, we wanted to show the transformation that Cimco Marina AB has gone through, from engineering company that develops products, where the focus was on product development to a product range within a product company with internal development and engineering departments, where the focus is extended to production, distributors, end users and shareholders. Secondly, we want to show how the OXE Diesel range has grown and where they are best put to use, through more availability of brochures, videos and images.
The site displays the OXE Diesel and promotes its benefits, but it also goes more in depth about the end users and why the OXE Diesel has been and is a good match for them, through end user stories. The site also displays the benefits of the OXE Diesel for various user categories e.g Governmental, Search and Rescue, Fishing, Oil and Gas, Tenders etc.
The site gives further attention to our ever-growing distribution network. We have highlighted all the events that is happening around the world in regard to promotion of the OXE Diesel, where our distribution network plays a vital role. We have also included functionality to make it easy to contact the right distributor directly for questions and quotation about the product on specific markets to further enable and promote sales.
What you see on the new website is just the beginning; we will continue the development of the new site to satisfy our visitors.
At OXE Marine we are driven by the ambition to transform the outboard motor; impacting the journey towards a more sustainable and ecologically positive marine environment. We are passionate, knowledgeable, and reliable. Passionate to commit to innovation and excellence, knowledgeable to recruit and retain high-quality personnel, and reliable to commit to supplying safe, durable, and reliable products and services and to openness and fairness with all our stakeholders. OXE Marine believes in a strong collaborative approach between our teams and partners while being daring and persistent in our passion for excellence. OXE Marine was founded in 2012, and is the company behind a patented outboard transmission, enabling the use of high torque diesel engines on outboard systems and in sterndrive solutions.